Learn how to use the ALICE app.

How do I find a video quickly?
Tap on the magnifying glass icon on the top right side of your device's screen.  You then can type in any term. If there are any that match your searc...
Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 3:13 PM
Why do I need to enter my email?
In order to use the ALICE app, you need to set up a free account with us. There is no cost or fee involved with this account. This account enables you to ac...
Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 5:51 PM
Why are there ASL and Text videos?
ALICE has been built to serve the needs of most deaf and hard of hearing people. If you know ASL and are comfortable using ASL, choose the ASL videos. If yo...
Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 3:14 PM
How do I set ALICE to use ASL videos or Text videos?
Below any video in ALICE, you will see a box that says 'ASL' and 'Text'. Tap on the appropriate box to switch all videos to your preferred s...
Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 9:58 AM
What do the button colors mean?
The button colors indicate who is speaking or who needs to choose a response. When you see a video with a background or button in any color other than g...
Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 3:35 PM
Who should tap the buttons?
The buttons are to be tapped by either you or the person you are communicating with.  The button colors indicate who should choose a response. When you...
Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 3:29 PM
I see several categories. Why can’t I access them?
When you purchase the ALICE app for the first time, the General and Medical categories are included at no additional cost. However the rest of the categorie...
Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 3:18 PM
I see a green lock, what does that mean?
The green lock means you have unlocked that specific category via a one-time in-app purchase.
Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 3:20 PM
I see a black lock, what does that mean?
The black lock means you have not unlocked that specific category yet, so it is not available for your use. You can unlock it via a one-time in-app purchase...
Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 3:20 PM
Something went wrong. How do I get help?
Please click here to see the answer.
Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 10:36 AM